MSDS DeadMat

Material Safety data sheet

1. Product Information


Date Prepared:          April 29, 2013

Chemical Family:          Molding Compound/Damping  

Product Name:             Vibration Damping

2. hazardous ingredients


                                                     CAS #                                    OSHA PEL/ACGIH TLV                         

Antomony Trioxide                         1309-64-3                .5 mg/M3

Mica                                              12001-262                              20 mppcf    .3mg/M3

Quartz                                           14808-60-7                             .1mg/M#     .1mg/M3

Graphite                                        7782-42-5                2.5mg/M3   .1mg/M3


            Toxic ingredients as defined by the Superfund Amendments and

            Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) Title TTT, Section 313.


            Formula: Trade Secret


            NFPA Rating: Health: 1 Flammability: 1 Reactivity: O

            Special: None



3. physical/chemical chararteristics


Boiling Point: Approximately 230 C @ 5MM Hg      Specific Gravity: N/A

Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): 1.3 mm @ 200 C           Melting Point:  N/A

Vapor Density (Air=1.0):    N/A                              Evaporation Rate: N/A

Solubility in Water:   Not soluble

Appearance and Odor: Mild Ester Odor-Semi Solid Plastic


4. Fire and explosion hazard data


Flash Point:           425°F Cleveland Open Cup                                                             LEL: None

Flammable Limits: N/A                                                                                                UEL: None

Classification:       Not Available

NFPA Sprinkler Classification:     Not Available

Extinguishing Media:        Foam, dry chemical, or water spray

Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Use water spray to cool fire exposed surfaces, and protect personnel.  Do not use jet or water to burning materials to avoid frothing.

Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Fumes, Carbon monoxide, and Hydrochloric acid.


5. Reactivity data


Stability:                            Stable

Conditions to Avoid:         Excessive Heat

Incompatibility:                 Oxidizing Agents, and strong acids

Hazardous Decomposition:            Carbon Monoxide and Hydrochloric acid

Hazardous Polymerization:           Will not occur

6. health hazard data


Route of Entry:      When heated-Inhalation, skin and ingestion.

Health Hazards:     Low order of toxicity and irritancy.

Carcinogenicity:    NTP:                            No        IARC Cancer Review:  No

                              OSHA Regulated:        No        IARC:                           No

Signs and Symptoms of Exposure: Skin Rash or Irritancy.

Emergency First Aid Procedures:

                  Eyes:               Flush eyes thoroughly with water and see a physician.

                  Skin:                Wash with soap and water and remove contaminated clothing.


7. precautions for safe handling and use


Steps to be taken in Case

Material is Released or Spilled:     No special response required.

Waste Disposal Method:                Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State, and Local environmental regulations.

Other Precautions:                        Keep away from excessive heat.


8. Control Measures


Respiratory Protection:     Usually not needed unless fumes are excessive.

Ventilation:                        Local exhaust ventilation is recommended for those processing procedures that may generate dust and decomposition products.

Eye Protection:                 Safety Glasses recommended for those processing operations that may generate dust.

Skin Protection:                Use adequate hand protections during hot processing operations.  Use guards and/or protective gloves for cutting operations.




The information contained herein is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, accurate.  However, since the conditions of handling and use are beyond our control, we make no guarantee of results and assume no liability for damages incurred by the use of this material.  All materials may present unknown health hazards and should be used with caution.  Although certain hazards described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards that exist.  Final determination of suitability of this material is the sole responsibility of the user.  No representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or any nature are made hereunder with respect to the information contained herein or the material to which the information refers.  It is the responsibility of the user to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.