Material Safety data sheet
1. Product Information
Date Prepared: April 14, 2013
Chemical Family: Polyurethane Foam (1)/Vinyl Barrier (2)
Product Name: Foam / Barrier
2. hazardous ingredients
Polyurethane Foam 9009-54-5 None Established 100%
Polyurethane foam is a fully cross-linked reaction product of polyhydroxy polyol, isocyanates, catalysts, surfactants, colorants and water. Additional additives may be present, depending on the product, such as fire retardants, germicides and antistatic agents.
This product is not hazardous according to the criteria established in the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard.
Barium Sulfate 7727-43-7 10mg/m³*
TWA 5mg/m³**
*Total dust **Respirable fraction
Calcium Oxide 1305-78-8 5mg/m³ / 2mg/m³
3. physical/chemical chararteristics
Boiling Point: Not Available Density/Specific Gravity (H20=1): 0.5- 40lbsm/ft³(1) 2.20(2)
Vapor Pressure (mm Hg): Not Available Melting Point: 370 – 375°F(1)
Vapor Density: Not Available Evaporation Rate: Not Available
Solubility in Water: Insoluble
Appearance and Odor: Uniform cellular solid structure of varying colors with slight characteristic odor.(1)
Black, mild odor (2)
4. Fire and explosion hazard data
Flash Point: Decomposition products flash at >500°F(1) Above 200°F(2) LEL: None
Flammable Limits: Not Available UEL: None
Classification: Combustible Solid
NFPA Sprinkler Classification: Extra Hazard
Extinguishing Media: CO2, foam, dry chemical, or water spray
Special Fire Fighting Procedures: Full protective equipment including self-contained breathing apparatus should be worn.
Unusual Fire & Explosion Hazards: If ignited, foam can produce rapid flame spread, intense heat and dense black smoke and toxic gases. Material can melt into a burning liquid that can drip and flow. Accumulated polyurethane dust can be readily ignited and presents a fire risk. High concentrations of dust in the air can explode if exposed to a flame, spark or other ignition sources. (1) HC1, C12, CO released upon combustion. (2)
5. Reactivity data
Stability: Stable
Conditions to Avoid: Temperatures above 110°F, open flames, strong oxidizers (i.e. chlorates, bromates, nitrates, and hypochlorites) can cause discoloration to foam.
Incompatibility: Strong oxiding acids and bases – will degrade product.
Hazardous Decomposition
Products: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxides of nitrogen, free isocyanate, acetaldehyde, acrylonitrile, polymer fragments, and hydrogen cyanide. (1) HC1, C12, CO. (2)
Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur
6. health hazard data
Route of Entry: Inhalation – Foam dust
Health Hazards: Coarse dust can cause mechanical irritation of the upper respiratory tract when concentrations are above the applicable occupational exposure limit. Airborne dust is evaluated as a nuisance dust. If ignited, foam may decompose and emit toxic gases and respiratory irritants.
Irritating Vapors
Irritating vapors (decomposition products) may be produced if product is exposed to high temperatures above 350°F.
Eye - Foam dust
Coarse dust can cause mechanical irritation to the eyes. If exposed, avoid rubbing eyes.
Irritating Vapors
Irritating vapors (decomposition products) may be produced if product is exposed to high temperatures above 350°F.
Carcinogenicity: NTP: No IARC Cancer Review: No
OSHA Regulated: No IARC: No
Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure: None known
Emergency First Aid Procedures:
Inhalation: Remove to fresh air, contact physician if respiratory discomfort persists.
Eyes: Flush eyes thoroughly with water for 15 minutes
Skin: None necessary
Indigestion: None necessary
7. precautions for safe handling and use
Steps to be Taken in Case
Material is Released or Spilled: No special response required.
Waste Disposal Method: Dispose of in accordance with Federal, State, and Local environmental regulations.
Safe Handling and Storage: Do not store near high temperature sources, any ignition sources such as exposed electrical or gas heating elements, open flames and exposed lights. Do not smoke in storage areas.
Other Precautions: Notify local fire companies of presence large quantities of foam.
8. Control Measures
Respiratory Protection: Should be selected based on the identity and concentration of air contaminant. Only NIOSH-approved respirators for protection against the air contaminant of concern should be used.
Ventilation: Local exhaust ventilation is recommended for those processing procedures that may generate foam dust and decomposition products.
Eye Protection: Safety Glasses recommended for those processing operations that may generate dust.
Skin Protection: Use adequate hand protections during hot processing operations. Use guards and/or protective gloves for cutting operations.
The information contained herein is, to the best of our knowledge and belief, accurate. However, since the conditions of handling and use are beyond our control, we make no guarantee of results and assume no liability for damages incurred by the use of this material. All materials may present unknown health hazards and should be used with caution. Although certain hazards described herein, we cannot guarantee that these are the only hazards that exist. Final determination of suitability of this material is the sole responsibility of the user. No representations or warranties, either expressed or implied, of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or any nature are made hereunder with respect to the information contained herein or the material to which the information refers. It is the responsibility of the user to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations.